Thursday, April 7, 2016

Clary Sage Essential Oil. 30 ml. (1 oz.) 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. by Plant Guru

Clary Sage is another great oil to have in your collection. It may not be as widely used or known as lavender is, but it has many uses. Plant Guru is a awesome essential oil company. The oils I've tried from them are just as good as a well known top selling essential oil brand.
The smell of this oil is a bit hard to explain, it doesn't smell like the sage you grow or cook with. It's a bit woodsy, sweet, spicy and earthy all at the same time. It has a lot going on as far as smell. I think that's one of the great things about this oil, maybe that's why it's used in some perfumes. From what I've read about this oil if you have sensitive skin you can still use it with out worries. However over use can cause headaches. I haven't had that happen to me but I read it can happen. You can use this oil defused, mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil, rubbed on the bottom of your feet, on the back of your neck and mixed with other essential oils. It can help with depression, mood swings, nervous tension, stress, sleep and helps recall dreams better. Mix with a lotion and rub anywhere you have pain, it helps relieve the pain and relax any knots you may have in your muscles. It's good for calming and soothing skin also.
For the lady's it can help relieve pain from your monthly periods and help balance hormones from menopausal symptoms. It's known to give you feelings of happiness and has been said to be a bit of a aphrodisiac. Don't know if that's true as I haven't experienced that, but I read that it is. It's not recommended to use on kids, if you are pregnant or when drinking alcohol. I'm very pleased with Plant Guru and this clary sage essential oil. Recommended!

Disclaimer, I received this product at a discount for my honest review.

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